Friday, September 9, 2011

Possible Effects of RH Bill to Philippine Society

The Philippines is facing again a very serious issue that affects moral values and its culture. This issue could change the life of every Filipino, Issue pertaining to Reproductive Health Bill. Many Filipinos are very naive about this and most probably has no idea of what possible effects that could destroy our true Filipino morality with concern of reproduction.

The population of the Philippines has a large number. It is increasing as years goes by. That's why the government is planning to implement the RH Bill. So first,what is RH Bill? RH Bill or also known as Reproductive Health Bill aims to guarantee universal access to methods and informations on birth control and maternal care.

The reproductive health bill promotes information on and access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible. It assures an enabling environment where women and couples have the freedom of informed choice on the mode of family planning they want to adopt based on their needs, personal convictions and religious beliefs.

At an early age, young adults will be taught of sex education. It is also a knowledge in which people will be aware of having sexual contact without getting any responsibilities. In this case, it will be more safe specially those who are not yet prepared to be a parent. It can prevent the addiction of the young adults in having sex. However, religious groups and organizations opposed this bill. That's why it is hard for the government to implement the RH Bill in the Philippines.